1. When I get annoyed at celebrity couples who’ve had a baby together but are hesitant to get married because “it’s such a big commitment.”

2. When I make references to movies like Porky’s and Animal House to my young work colleagues and they stare at me blankly.

3. When I see online articles expressing rapturous childhood nostalgia for the 90s…a decade in which I graduated from college and grad school and got married, and thus for most of which was a fully functioning adult.

I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!

I’m not a witch, I’m your wife!

4. When I watch hot shows on HBO and Showtime and Netflix, and shake my head at how they feel obliged to feature nudity (just women, usually) and massive amounts of cursing, just because they can.

5. When my back hurts.

6. When I realize that my workout regimen is all about playing defense.

7. When I go see the new Captain America movie in the theater, and involuntarily flinch and duck when people are fighting.

8. When I realize I spend most of my mental energy worrying about work, and wondering if I can retire earlier.

9. When my ankles swell up after long plane flights.

10. When I realize that yes, my back hurts and my ankles swell up and I worry about work and I’m over-sensitive about TV shows, and all these things do make me old, but they’re all better than the alternative.